Principles for managing freelancers

Improve your freelancers' output as much as 3x by applying the following principles. Insights from years of freelancing, hiring freelancers, and operating a freelance marketplace.

David Head
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(This article was originally posted on the Sixty blog)

After years of working as a freelancer, hiring freelancers, and managing freelancers, I've noticed a few general principles that increase project efficiency.

Today we’ll address how you can make your freelance team more effective. If you apply the following principles, you’ll see output increase dramatically.

Clear, concise, conviction. Visual references, links, small task.

That’s it! If you can adopt these principles, you can significantly improve your productivity.

If you want added pressure in adopting them, try asking your freelancer to help hold each other accountable as well. Good freelancers are used to managing clients and other stakeholders. Chances are they have a similar system to this already.

Good luck with your next project! If you have more questions about managing freelancers, feel free to leave a comment below.