Sometimes you need some extra income, or a break from the work routine. Moonlighting and picking up side gigs is great for that. The tricky part can just be getting started and picking up clients. Especially when you have a full time job to prioritize in addition to your personal life.
I've built two businesses from the ground up to support full time workers getting quick side gigs that are either consulting, one-off-projects, or recurring work. I can help you do the same.
Specific areas I love helping with:
With no hesitation, David Head is a leader, talented designer, and demonstrates all the necessary qualities you want in a team member. I've worked with him for 5 years now, and have seen him successfully build great products, manage team members, and personally consult hundreds of people. I attribute a lot of my recent success to him being my mentor and someone I look up to all these years. He is always willing to help and provide the most value to his colleagues and clients no matter how busy he is. It is clear that he has a passion for technology, and is always striving towards improvement and growth in this field.